Andy Tian Interview, CEO Of The Fastest Selling ICO In Asia, $30 Million Raised In 1 Minute!

Jillian Godsil
4 min readDec 22, 2017

GIFTO Enter the blockchain

Andy Tian has been labelled a ‘traditional’ entertainment man coming as he does from the world of online, mobile, gamified entertainment. ‘That was before I moved into the blockchain arena,’ he says, ‘it is funny to think that pre-blockchain is considered traditional.’

He has the last laugh, however, with the ICO for GIFTO, the virtual gifting protocol, closing out in one minute to the tune of $30million. ‘Two third were institutional investors and the last $10million came in one minute.’

GIFTO was the fastest selling ICO in Asia. It was four times over-subscribed and it will be the largest non-crypto adoption of blockchain technology by a mile. Tian expects a minimum of 5million users and 100,000 content creators when the product launches in Q1 of next year.

How can he be so confident? As CEO of AIG, Asia Innovations Group, Tian brings a wealth of ‘traditional’ gaming experience to the table. Previously he was head of Zynga China and there he learnt the business of gaming.

‘The millions made in the gaming industry are from virtual purchases and assets.’ He explains. ‘Gamers buy virtual swords, armour, tools — all digital assets — with which to play their games. That is the real powerhouse of the industry.’

Tian also looked at the issues surrounding monetizing content. ‘Right now, the obvious step is to…



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